Local Byway Councils Seeking Volunteers!

Frost-Stagecoach Byway in Auburn

Who should join a byway council?

Councilmembers come from varied backgrounds, which can include conservation commissions, historical or heritage commissions, local businesses, or transportation backgrounds. No experience is necessary though, as long as you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and bring your local knowledge to the table.

Byway volunteers work closely with Commission staff to ensure that Corridor Management Plans (CMP) are updated, local outreach is conducted, and scenic and historical resources preserved. At the end of the day, being a byway councilmember will not take much of your time. While there is sometimes “homework” between meetings, the meetings themselves are informal, quick, and efficient.

Joining a byway council is an important opportunity to ensure these elements are preserved for future generations to enjoy. It’s a fun, rewarding way to get involved, meet people, and give back to the community. Your vision, dedication, and commitment are needed today!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Adam Hlasny by email (ahlasny@snhpc.org) or phone (669-4664). 

For more information, please see the below video: