Commute Smart New Hampshire

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CommuteSmart NH Launches New Statewide Software

CommuteSmart NH has launched a new statewide software! This free software includes a multi-modal trip planner, where you can find a carpool trip, transit route, bike or walk buddy, while also viewing EV charging stations, park and ride lot locations, and real time traffic. The trip planner can also help you find a ride for to a event or destination and for a one-time trip such as a doctors visit or shopping. You can also log your trips, sync with fitness tracking app, redeem points for rewards, and participate in the program’s annual commuter challenges. This software is also used in our neighboring states and utilizes a shared database of commuters. View online or download the app today! (App available in both Apple App store and Google Play store).

CommuteSmart NH 2023 results

Next challenge: Buses, Bikes and Brooms Challenge to begin
October 1, 2023!

Click here for more information.