Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) serves as the long-range (20+ year) transportation planning document for the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The MTP contains the SNHPC’s adopted policies, goals, and project proposals to improve the regional transportation system through the year 2045.

The MTP is the product of a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3C) planning process, which considers all surface transportation modes and supports sound community development within the SNHPC’s metropolitan area. The plan reflects the goals and objectives of the SNHPC’s member communities as detailed in their own master plans and policies, and integrates key statewide transportation planning products developed by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and other partner agencies.

The MTP was developed to conform with the federal requirements of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The plan’s recommendations are derived from a screening process that uses ten federally-designated transportation planning factors to ensure that impacts associated with health, safety, welfare and the environment are properly weighed in the public interest. In the MTP, the SNHPC also utilizes Performance-based Planning and Programming (PBPP) to evaluate the current performance of the transportation system as necessary to set strategic directions for the future, analyze how funding is programmed, and evaluate investment outcomes.