NHDOT Ten Year Plan

Page updated 12/28/23
Ten-Year Plan cover

Pursuant to RSA 228:99 and RSA 240, the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC) works with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and the state’s other Regional Planning Commissions on the biennial development of the Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. The TYP serves as the State of New Hampshire’s capital improvement program for infrastructure across all modes of transportation, and is a key document for programming both federal and state transportation funding.

When updating the TYP, the SNHPC works with the representatives of the region’s 14 municipalities to cooperatively solicit, evaluate, and prioritize transportation improvement project proposals. The region’s project priorities are then forwarded to the NHDOT (along with the priorities from the other regions of the state), where they form the basis of the TYP.

For the latest information on the status of the FY 2025-2034 Ten-Year Plan, please visit the NHDOT's website: https://www.dot.nh.gov/projects-plans-and-programs/ten-year-plan